Hi! / नमस्ते! / કેમ છો? / Bonjour! 👋🏼

I am Raivat, a technology enthusiast who loves using technology to solve problems and create a positive impact. I’m currently the founding engineer for Mind Stretcher Education in Singapore, where I’m helping build Large-Language-Model-based education product and helping to grow the team. I am also a volunteer for EquiTech Collective, an org advancing health and social equity in Southeast Asia through technology.

I’ve previously worked at Open Government Products, Garena, Rocket Academy, and PayPal Singapore.

I’m originally from I am from Ahmedabad, India 🇮🇳 and studied Computer Science at the National University of Singapore (NUS) 🇸🇬, where my focus area was in Programming Languages. I was also a scholar under the University Scholars Programme (now NUS College) an interdisciplinary honours programme at NUS.

Check out my Projects here!

I enjoy getting to know people from across the globe and working with them on projects. You can reach out via email at [email protected].